Monthly Tour Request

Open for When, Where, and How.

Membership/Property Registration
The Broker needs to be a member; once a Member, their Luxury Properties over
$1,000,000 are automatically populated to the website
If not a member, click here Become a Member
Requirements to Put Properties on Tour (we begin at 9:00am SHARP)
Properties will be considered for inclusion depending on size of tour and
timeliness to arrive at the last house by 12:30pm
Listings need to be ACTIVE on the RMLS at time the Tour Request is filled out
If a full tour, then brokers will be limited to 1 listing
Tour Submission needs to be at least 10 days prior to tour
First property hosts coffee and treats
Last property hosts a light lunch
Cost to have property on tour: $25 (if hosting, GVLH will reimburse); Spring tour:

Upcoming 2024 Monthly Tours (3rd Thursday of each month; 9:00 SHARP)

3rd Thursday of Month 
January West Side1/17
February East Side  2/20
March  North Side 3/21
April West Side 4/17
May  East Side5/15
June West Side 6/19
July East Side7/17
August North Side 8/21
September Weat Side 9/18
October East Side 10/16
November West Side 11/20
December TBD


These are the guidelines we use to consider if property is of Luxury Quality:
Property to have a total score of 11 points or above to qualify. Circle the number
which best applies, then add for a total.

Is the property architecturally interesting and/or significant to the location or
area? (Factors to consider: Does it have a view?)
Poor = 1, Average = 2, Above Average = 3, Excellent = 4, WOW! = 5

How do you rate the condition of property? (Factors to consider: Does it need to be
refurbished? Deferred maintenance? Excellent condition? Interior staged properly?)
Poor = 1, Average = 2, Above Average = 3, Excellent = 4, WOW! = 5

Is the property special or unique?
Poor = 1, Average = 2, Above Average = 3, Excellent = 4, WOW! = 5

TOTAL SCORE:___________

PHOTOS: There must be a minimum of 10 good quality/high-resolution photos of
the listing.